Bible Chronology | Creation and the age of Adam

Bible Chronology

 . . . is the study and exegesis of the times and events in the Bible and scripture and translates such into a coherent timeline.

Adam and Creation

Adam lived 930 years, and how is this calculated we may ask. I am 61-years of age John states, what this actually means is, he is 60 whole years , but actually less than 61, so his actual age is between 60 and 61 years. With John’s years charted, his age is calculated in months during his 1st year of life and he will only be 1 year old ‘after’ the 12th month is completed which would show up as a ‘zero year’ in the age-eras on the below chart, and tabulated a follows:

With A. Anno Mundi being the year of the world Year 1 and Adam in that same year not yet 1 but tabulated as 0 (zero). When Seth is born when Adam is 130-years old, Genesis 5:3, while the age of the world from creation, Anno Mundi is 131.

how old was adam when seth was born

Age of Adam and Seth

Seth’s first year would be mapped as 0 (zero). After Seth was born, Adam lived 800 more years, and died at 930 (Gen 5:5) in the 931st year, Anno Mundi, or year of the world. Adam therefore lived 930 whole years, and maybe some fraction of his 931st. Even if Adam had lived one half of that year would that mean an extension of half a year included at every birth within a chronology? No, because the biblical scribes used what is known as a standard epoch for age-based years, and all other kinds of years when the year was to be part of a calculation and not the actual birth date.  The standard year epoch for ages can be viewed as counting the number of spring equinoxes lived. Scripture will always seek to reveal the chronology, never to obscure. Ambiguous assumptions only render chronological puzzles unsolved and must be wholly discarded since such will only frustrate in providing a complete and solvable chronology.

how old was adam when he died

Based on this standardised epoch we can now begin to construct a template for further events in Bible chronology. Every other birth consequently in the sequencing from Adam also requires a 0 (zero) year. In simplistic terms, the 0th year is the first year of life, but the 1st year of age is the 2nd year of life. 

Bible Chronology and the Ancient Near East History

Most students of Scripture expect it to be plainly understood, and it is to a large degree plainly and easily understood. But the Almighty also speaks in riddles, parables, and mysteries.

This chronology, The Scroll of Biblical Chronology reveals how to connect the dots that support the dots already connected. It takes the mysteries of scriptural chronology, solves them, and not only solves them, but shows how they under gird a completely objective presentation of history as we know it.